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Eternite first meet Dermacol for product reviewing... Sooooo exciting to try and now Dermacol is available at Hong Kong... come and check it out today

Dermacol is a brand being found at Czech, this brand just arrived HK and online shopping + delivery is available now. Want to know why middle east girl always having a dramatic smokey eye ? If you have same question with me, please kindly check their website and of course… purchase

Founder at 1960 by do business of professional makeup product for filming. And operate with medical makeup expertise to development makeup and skincare products. They draw all the attention at Hollywood in between the 60s.

Dermacol…..呢個品牌對香港女仔可能好陌生, 但係對外國的女仔就一啲都唔陌生啦…

其實我一直都好想有好似印度/中東嗰啲女仔對眼..佢地對眼唔止大. 仲好圓好有神采, 而最想知就係佢地用咩品牌化妝呢…係好奇心下, 我上網就見到呢個品牌 - Dermacol

Dermacol 係1960’s 就在捷克發績,從早期專營電影化妝品開始。之後再和當地的著名醫學美容團隊合作研製出化妝及美容產品。更在1969年在荷里活紅極一時,而時至今日在歐洲, 中東, 烏克蘭, 俄羅斯及澳洲都有很好的鎖售表現。


Video is available on Youtube:


Product Name: 活性金平滑妝前粉底霜 Gold Anti-Wrinkle Base
Intro: 入面有活性金active gold同海藻成份可以撫平皺紋、保濕、抗氧化、填平紋理及毛孔。到用粉底時就更細緻更滑。
Comment: 上面時感覺好滑, 就好似用緊控油gel base一樣。如你有用開坊間的遮毛孔豬油膏…太約是那種感覺但較保濕的
平時用的GEL PRIMER如上粉底太出力有可能會有結塊的可能但佢沒有
用後再BB CREAM, 連BB CREAM份量都可以少啲因真係平滑了好好推. FOUNDATION ok持久同貼. 但美中不足就係沒有防曬也沒有PA+++
Silky smooth and quite moisture are the feeling of first try, they are gel form with containing active gold ingredient which help anti-wrinkle and I used lesser BB cream than my normal daily makeup. However, no SPF and no PA+++ really making me or others hesitated. Hope developer could improve.

Product Name: 眼妝前打底乳Long Lasting Eye Shadow Base
Intro: 沒有色的,Oil Free, 能平渦眼窩的紋理。使眼影更出色更持久。
Comment: 上了眼後, 最搞笑係個PRODUCT要等一分鐘待乾的。那跟現在用的很不一樣,而在等可以做左眉、胭脂、HIGHLIGHT OR SHADING之類的功夫先..haha…乾左之後你會FEEL到佢好似有層膜係眼到咁。手感都好滑, 但也由於佢太滑了,上眼影要多點時間。而最快方法係用CREAM EYESHADOW / GEL EYE LINER做個色底去化我最我ge 小煙薰眼。但如你係自然系女生,眼影較淺色又不會想SMOKEY EYE那你可以直接上眼影
Nornally, eyebase should be packed with eyeshadow when they are still moist. However, this one need to wait for a minute to completely dry then you could do your daily makeup. So you could makeup for eyebrow or cheek when waiting. It is so smooth on skin and no base color (just transparent) However, eyeshadow could not stick on it so well and it is better to apply cream shadow or gel eyeliner base on top if you wanna have a dramatic eye. However, if you are not requesting for smokey eye then it is fine to direct apply the light color shadow.

Product Name: 微細防水眼線筆Micro Black Automatic Eye micro-pencil
Intro: Waterproof, Long Lasting 6 小時, 質地細滑, 漆黑的色調內有天然抗氧化物, 維他命E及C
Comment: 防水度, 可能係中東及歐洲的貨品。那边比香港乾燥固對潮濕天氣的抗溶度較低。不過我在片中都SHARE左個可以令眼線持久的方法,可以看片試試。但好易用,色好夠黑及好滑。我特意試用微細粗度的, 佢個粗度對小眼的我..在畫內眼線時剛好呢..但你們可用一般粗度..haha
They mentioned waterproof, however, I guess they fail to achieve because of the weather in EU/ Mid east are different from Hong Kong. At lease their countries are not so humid. However the micro black is perfectly work on my inner eye line. Since my eye is small and I am a single eye lid girl…HAHAHA

Product Name: 透明定妝碎粉 Invisible Fixing Powder
Intro: 用後有自然啞色效果,所有皮膚類型合用。內有扁形小掃及棉PUFF
Comment: 呢個碎粉都好驚喜。首先,LIKE佢有個掃同PUFF。因通常一般只有其中一樣但佢兩樣都比晒你. BRUSH都唔係差。扁身但毛都算 volume掃上面都唔會有吉臉的感覺
因我係身有啲黑的女仔, 為了色tone一致我用了個natural tone。但如你白淨可用light. 最like係用係眼底都唔會太乾, 因有啲碎粉及啞光感令皮膚好似看到好乾咁。特別係眼部…但呢個OK WOR.
The packing is wonderfull, since they come with a brush and a puff. It is great news for me since a lighter feather touch foundation could be achieved with using brush. Semi-matte finishing is so natural and suitable for all occasions or events.

化妝品同skincare其實係有無盡的東西我還未有試. 就好似之前全香港都追求歐美品牌, 再追日本品牌, 再追韓風一樣。故每個成功的品牌都有自己個人之處,作為港女…當然要勇敢地不停試…HAHAHAHA
From blindly chasing EU/USA to JP brands, after that is Korea brands. It is unexpected that Korea’s beauty product could be that hit. So it is time to be brave and try something new.

Product From: Dermacol HK
Official Website HK: http://www.dermacolhk.com/

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P.S. For production review is just personal opinion and feelings, and we will only indicate and record for the truth.

