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Belif NOSE-SHINE BOY Blackhead remover oil balm

黑頭一樣令每個女仔都好討厭的, 又煩Ge
想清佢, 最爽就係大力擠但久而久之又怕毛孔會粗

今次TRY左呢個, belif Korea brand. 聲稱可以溶到同軟化黑頭..




上到NOSE按摩會由膏變油, 而加水後會乳化


~~~~~~~~~~Eternite Makeup’s profile~~~~~~~~~~
*** Sister of 2, welcome for event invitation and product review cooperation.

Blog address :
Blogspot : http://eternitemakeup.blogspot.hk/
Elle : http://blogs.elle.com.hk/eternitemakeup/

P.S. For production review is just personal opinion and feelings, and we will only indicate and record for the truth.

Product review and recommend of organic makeup remover "We Are No Expert" Ginkgo Extract Whitening Milk Make-up Remover銀杏萃取美白防敏卸妝乳

HI, 其實因我係濕疹皮膚關係, 所以我有時用開的product好少會大轉

當中也有唔太好的experience, 所以今次的recommend真係用左有個幾兩個WEEK, 卸過濃妝淡妝都OK先同大家share

以下係product details :
Name : Ginkgo Extract Whitening Milk Make-up Remover銀杏萃取美白防敏卸妝乳
Ingredient : Organic Chamomile Extract, Organic Ginkgo Extract, Organic Apricot Kernel Oil, Jojoba Oil, Essential Oil : Organic Lavender, Palmarosa, Vitamin E, Vitamin B5
有機甘菊萃取, 有機銀杏萃取,有機杏桃核仁油, 荷荷芭油, 精油:玫瑰天竺葵, 有機薰衣草, 玫瑰草, 維他命E, 維他命B5
Made with 94% organic ingredients, Mild makeup remover enables cleansing while moisturizing skin at the same time, Ginkgo Extract can act as potent antioxidants that neutralize free radicals, well know for its anti-aging and pigment-balancing functions, It improves skin's protection against UVB and has mild whitening effect, Chamomile Extract will help soothing sensitive skin
以超過94%有機成份製造而成, 温和卸妝, 清潔同時滋潤. 銀杏萃取幫助水油平衡, 令肌膚光滑白淨, 對抗自由基, 防護環境刺激延緩老化, 淡化皺紋及斑點, 菊花可舒緩敏感, 長期使用可令面部光澤彈性

最先收到時個包裝好環保FEEL, 最LIKE呢啲packing

Stay Glow HKD 230/120ml 又算貴, 香味唔重, 上面仲好滑嫁

標明成份, 仲寫明用法同好坦白地說94%有機...係好少有的做法
因好多有機用品都只會話organic 但誠實到咁, 唔知點解對佢信心大左...HAHA

說明手造日期, 咁你就可以放心買, 放心用...

化了小smoky的我, 放工回來眼線有點溶呢..還有lip color..haha

今天的makeup 濃了點, 最好是做product reviewing 

Product 係CREAM CREAM的乳霜, 上面好舒服, 香味也不強,  

 清潔度真的讓我驚喜了...洗後也沒有崩緊. 如眼妝太濃可以落多次或用Q-TIP輕抺

有看我Youtube的朋友就知了, 第二天我做了個小測試. 因我一边用了Shu Uemura, 一边用了Stay Glow...HAHA...猜猜那边用那個product吧....

對Stay Glow 清潔度滿意, 別以為乳霜用左好笠...真係沒有呢...很爽哦..HAHA
連續用了兩星期, 我好似白了點點..HAHA...秋冬天要入手了...佢最開心係可以網購, 最岩我呢個宅女呢...HAHA

Thanks to sponsor: We Are No Expert
Official Website: www.wearenoexpert.com
Please review my blog for more informative review
~~~~~~~~~~Eternite Makeup’s profile~~~~~~~~~~
*** Sister of 2, welcome for event invitation and product review cooperation.

Blog address :
Blogspot : http://eternitemakeup.blogspot.hk/

P.S. For production review is just personal opinion and feelings, and we will only indicate and record for the truth.